Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The human body is filled with muscles that allow the body to function in proper ways. The stronger these muscles are, the faster/better the body is able to function and complete task. Ways to build muscle include good nutrition, weight lifting and calastetics. These methods do no give grand immediate results. It takes time because it is natural. Anabolic steriods act as a catalyst to the muscle building process with proper exercise. It is a substance that enhances and causes muscles to grow at a larger rate after being torn in workout. This is a controversial topic that his split the country into sides over the dispute. Some feel it is fine to take steriods because many take other supplements to make one perform or feel better. On the other side which includes myself feels that it is not fair to anyone taking this supplement who is in competition. The desire and will to win is usually what drives a person to try steriods. If you are not in competition which include other atheletes who are not taking muscle enhancing substances, then you are free to do with your body as you please. Steriods gives an athelete the extra edge needed in reaching the almighty glory of winning. On page 197 of Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, the author states "Advantages of anabolic steroids cited by atheltes include increased muscle mass and strength, increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and an increase in aggressive behavior (the urge to 'steamroller the other guy')." All of these pro's of steriods are an unfair advantage in competition. The athelete has reached a physical ability that cannot be reached by another athelete simply because of a drug. Some may say, "well since some atheletes are doing it, why don't all atheletes do it to get that same extra edge". But it may not be in a atheletes mind to build muscle while simotaniously destroying it. Although steriods have its lovely pros, the cons overweight them in some atheletes mind. "Physicians say they cause bloated faces( a sign of steriod excess), shriveled testes, and infertility; damage the liver and promote liver cancer; and cause changes in blood cholesterol levels..(147)." So since some atheletes are take pride in taking care of their bodies and what goes into it, they might not want to take steriods. So the atheletes who decide to take the risk, have a clear unfair advantage. Steriod usage will forever be a controversial topic in the great melting pot. Simply because their are people who take it, love the perks, and try to provide counterexamples to why it is justifyable like "everybody takes supplements, what's wrong with us?" The fact is, there is nothing wrong with taking steriods unless you are in competition with other non-users. Steriods provide atheletes with extra strength, stamina and aggression that gives the user an advantage

Friday, October 7, 2011

1. "It is an elemental odor, raw and crude; it is rich almost rancid, sensual and strong." (Pg. 28) This book is about the working conditions in the early 20th century. The author uses very vivid descriptions to decribe what was going on in this American era. He paints a picture in my mind with a ink paintbrush that makes me get a good understanding of the atmosphere of this time period. This was a discription of the main characters Jurgis's first job sweeping the leftovers of slottered cattle through a trap door. 2. "The line of the buildings stood clear-cut and black against the sky; here and there out of the mass rose the great chimneys with the river of smoke streaming away to the end of the world." (Pg. 33) This a good discription that makes me wonder about the Earth's well being and the contribution America has had towards it. The country has been releasing fossil fuels into the atmosphere for a long time. And back then the smoke was probably more contaimanated then of today simply because of technological advancement. Either or, the contribution is shockingly unacceptable. 3. "They use everything about the hog except the squeal." (Pg. 38) This was a quote that shocked me. You never know what's going on with your food or what they do with the animal that they kill to make your food. This quote just sort of opened my eyes even though there our plenty agencies breathing down food industries due to this book. 4. "Relentless, remorseless, it was; all his protests, his screams, were nothing to it-- it did its cruel will with him, as if his wishes, his feelings, had simply no existence at all; it cut his throat and watched him hasp out his life" This is probably something that caused many people to become veggitarian. This is sad to think about when you think about the foods you eat. This discription is about the pigs that Jurgis saw being brought into the factory he worked at. It's something that one knows about, but to have a description of the process in your face is heart wrecking. 5. "It is a sound, a sound made up of ten thousand little sounds. You scarcely noticed it at first-it sunk into your consciousness, a vague disturbance, a trouble." (Pg. 29) This is a description of a working factory. During the day in a factory, there are thousands of sounds that are occuring in the factory. Various jobs around the factory contribute to one big sound of the factory. It's probably a sound to get used to reguarding this is a place where animals are slauttered. 6. "So from the top to bottom the place is simply a seething cauldron of jealousies and hatred; there is no loyalty or decency anywhere about it, there is no place in it where a man counted for anything against a dollar." (Pg. 70) I like this quote because this is what Jurgis was going through in the old days, but it is something I can relate to in this era. It's hard to work in an envoirment like this one when everybody is about there money, but envy comes when one is more successful than the other. 7. "And , for this, at the end of the week, he will carry home three dollars to his family, being his pay at the rate of five cents per hour-just about his proper share of the million and three quarters of children who are now engaged in earning their livings in the United States." (Pg. 85) This put me beyond astonishment. This was the problem of this time. They went through hard work requiring days for unacceptable hours in horrible conditions for small pay. Jobs that could make you lost a leg, arm or even your life in some cases since safety issues wasn't cared about back then. The owner of the factories only cared about making money by keeping his factory running. He could always find a new worker. 8 "Here is a population, low-class and mostly foreign, hanging always on the verge of starvation and dependent for it opportunities of life upon the whim of men every bit as brutal and unscrupulous as the old-gtime slave; under such circumstances, immorality is exactly as inevitable , and as prevalent, as it is under the system of chatetel slavery.(pg. 126) This is a description of the town Jurgis and his family lived in. A town called Packington where everybody was in need of more then a few dollars to get by. People would do anything for money, even if wasn't a conventional job. Crime and death ran high due to horrible conditions for those who wearn't living under the best circumstances. 9. "This is no fairy story and no joke;The meat would be shoveled into carts, and the man who did the shoveling would not trouble to lift out a rat even when he saw one" (pg 162) After losing his first and second job, Jurgis gets a job in the meat packing industry. They found out all the nasty secrets in this field. The information is shocking. 10. "They were beaten; they had lost the game, they were swept. It was not less tragic because it was so sordid, because that it had to do with wages and grocery bills and rents. They had dreamed of freedom; of a chance to look and them and learn something; to be decent and clean, to see their child group up to be strong. And now it was all gone- it would never be!" (pg. 163) After fighting for so long, working so many different jobs(including two of the kids), all the cold winters and hard times, they lost the house they invested in when they first arrived in Packington. A couple more payments and the house would have been there's for good and they lost it. After putting so much money into the house. A very touching moment in the text. 11. " To Jurgis this man's whole presence reeked of the crime he had committed; the touch of his body was madness to him- it set eevery nerve of him a tremble, it aroused all the demon in his soul." (Pg 181) Jurgis' family struggled to get by. Everybody had jobs at one point. He found his wife staying out late sometimes and her allaby was she was snowed in. When he found out she was lying, she told him her boss made her have an affair with her or she would lose the job and he raped her. This landed Jurgis is jail. As large figure of a man that Jurgis was, he lost it, and went down to the job and pummeled the boss. 12. "He has no wit to trace back the social crime to its far sources- he could not say that it is the thing men have called 'the system' that is crushing him to the earth" A struggle that has knocked man down since the founding of this country; Trying to make it in the system. Some fail, and some succeed if you play by the rules. This was a process that was beating Jurgis, a Lithuian immagrant, to a pulp. He struggled to figure out how to keep his job, and standard of living at a steady pace. 13. "The word rang through him like the sound of a bell, echoing in the far depths of him, making forgotten chords to vibrate, old shadowy fears to stir- fears of the dark, fears of void, fears of annihilation. She was dead! She wad dead! (Pg. 227) In relation, I couldn't help but to put this quote.. 14."Ah what agony is, what despair, when the tomb of memory is rent open and the ghosts of his old life comes forth to scourge him!"( pg. 264) I like this quote because it is something I can relate to in my life right now. This is a time Jurgis left the city to make a different life for himself. He was holding up, but there are times when pastlife comes back up and breaks him back down. The author is brilliant. 15. They put him in place where the snow could not beat in, where the cold could not eat through his bones; they brought him food and drink-why, in the name of heaven, if they must punish him, did they not put his family in jail and leave him outside- why could they find no better way to punish him than to leave three weak women and six helpless children to starve and freeze? (Pg 191) This quote makes me feel for Jurgis. Jurgis did what he had to do to protect his wife and family from harm and it landed him in jail. And while he was warm inside being fed, his family was in the harsh winter bearly getting by without his income. Very to tough to deal with mentally when isolated. 16. "There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is outside; and there is another kind where things are behind bars, and the man is outside." ( pg. 337) I tip my hat to the author for this book as many in history have done. First for revealing the tragic facts of the factory life. Then his style of writing and witty quotes give you something to think about aside from reading . This was about a time when Jurgis had went to jail again and the way he was sort of feeling. 17. "In a society dominated by the fact of commercial competition, money is necessarily the test of prowess, and wastefullness the sole criterion of power." (Pg 403) I found this phenominal when I defined the word prowess, meaning superior ability. What makes me like these quotes is the way the author breaks down the society we live in. He makes comparisons,analyzes, metaphorical relations, and sometimes he just makes sense of what's going on. 18. "All the these agencies of corruption were banded together, and leagued in blood brotherhood with the politician and the police; more often than not they were one and the same person" (303) This puts a feeling of "Me against the world",as Tupac would say, over me. Sometimes it feels like all the people in contradiction with your goals are all on the same team with the same common goal; making your life hell. I like this quote for that reason. 19. "When people are starving and they have anything with a price, I guess you ought to sell it, I say. I guess you realize it not when its too late." (348) Everything in this book is real. This is about real people, real soceity, real situations. It provides analysis of a time that is probably going to be relative throughout American history. 20 "To you, the toilers, who have made this land, and have no voice in its councils! To you, whose lot it is to sow that others may reap, to labor and obey, and ask no more than the wages of a beast of burden, the food and shelter to keep you alive from day to day. It is to you that I come with my message of salvation, it is to you that I appeal." (Pg 361) I like this quote because it could fit the voice of the lower class even today. It is a quote of the struggle that ones opposite of the top go threw. Sometimes those at that point don't get to voice their feelings and if they do it isn't heard/of relevance. This was a tough society then, it's a tough society now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Macbeth is one of the most famous works of literature in history. It's advanced style of writing has  created much controversy over time since we cannot go and ask Shakespeare himself what he meant. All we can do is analyze the story and get a general idea of why things happened in the novel. In the natural world, things happen because they just happen. There is no influence on a natural diaster, murder, or car crash. It just happens. In the Macbeth world, the supernatural plays a huge role on the events occuring story. The supernatural is the exact reason why everything in the story happened the way it happened.

From the very first scene of the play, we are introduced to the supernatural force that molds this whole story together; The 3 Witches. The 3 witches might possibly have one of the smallest roles in the production, yet it is the most vital. You don't see the witches too much, but everytime that you see them, they have a phrocey that is important  with the story later on. They open the first scene with a poem starting with inquiry of when they will meet again. "First Witch: Where the place?. Second Witch: Upon the heath. Third Witch: There to meet with Macbeth." (7) This is only the first thing that they say yet it already influences the direction of storyline. One scene later, sure enough Macbeth runs into the witches with his right hand Banquo. Unaware these are supernatural witches Macbeth starts "Macbeth: Speak if you can. What are you? First Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Second Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Third Witch: All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" (17) Macbeth had been shocked. Macbeth's original title was Thane of Glamis. How was he to get the other two? This changed Macbeth's life and the way he saw it.

The first meeting between The Witches and Macbeth was epic. Though it startled and shot fear into Macbeth, it alter'd the natural life and thought process within itself. "Macbeth: Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis. But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not with the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor. Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence or why upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting. Speak, I charge you. (Witches Vanish)." (21) And there Macbeth's mind had been corrupted! He wanted to know so dearly how this prohecy could be true. Quickly enough,the story shifts to meeting with a gentlemen (Ross) who gives news that the previous Thane of Cawdor needs to be executed because of treasonous behavior, and Macbeth will replace him. This then made him a believer of the witches prophecy and he felt it was a good thing. It changed the motives of a man who reported the tales of the prophecy to his partner later on. She like him also liked the looks of things, and wanted to make to make it happen. And with time came the chance. Duncan, king of Scotland, cousin of Thane of Cawdor, was coming over to enjoy dinner for night to discuss with his Glamis his new position of rank. "Lady Macbeth: And when goes hence? Macbeth: Tomorrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth: O, never Shall sun that morrow see! (35)" They were aware of the full potiential of the Witches words, and decided to take advantage.

With Duncan dead, Macbeth was king. Just as it had been prophecized. But now that the deed was done, it was not just done and over. People began to think how this could have happened so fast and who could the suspects be. Paranoia began to run high with the Macbeth's due to guilt of course, and it led to unhelpful acts including deaths of many people including his right hand Banquo. And though the prophecy had come true, the supernatural did not take its hand off what was going on. Macbeth was confused and scared with all the heat around him, and eventually got to talk with the supernatural again. It gave him the assurance that he thought he needed to deal with any thing coming up trying to stop him.
"Second Appartition: Be bloody, bold and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth (125)." With this said, Macbeth could figure that he would be fine. Anything to cross his path would have to be women born. There were three apparition's during his talk with the witches, and the first one warned him to beware of Macduff. Well that thought was whiped away with the news of the second apparition. There would be nothing to fear if it had be born of a women. But as the infamous Marilyn Monroe once said, "everything happens for a reason." Macbeth found out Macduff had been "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb before battle which fit the exception to the second apparition. This led to him losing the final battle, being beheaded in the process.

The supernatural played a huge role in Shakespeare's epic "Macbeth". From the very begginning to the very end, the things that the witches said had an huge impact on what happened next in the story. Without the supernatural influence of the witches prophecy, all characters deceased in the play would have lived; including Macbeth.


Message body

Being American, most of us don't really know what it's like to be pushed away from home into a different situation. We may move from block to block or city to city but, how many of us has been forced to find life in a new country. This is a process that would make one feel alienatated daily, as if one didn't belong. You would have to change the way you live and the way you saw things to the view of the sheltering country.  Though one might find perks like scenery, or not having to deal with gang violence, it would be a time of hardship that would be hard to overcome. This is what Jurgis went through in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle".
Due to terrible conditions in his homeland of Lithuiania, after he married the love of his life Ona, they decided to exile to the Melting Pot. Ona brought her cousin and her sister along on the trip and plus two children which made six. They settled in the windy city of Chicago, which was home to many immigrants in the early twentieth century. Coming from Lithuiania, America was everything they dreamed of; they would have their own rights with no one breathing down there necks, they could start there own business' and get to work like they knew people had down and the country was beautiful to them. The green grass, warm sun and nice town was very appealing. They had made it to America safely and would now be able to live the famous "American Dream".

They move to a town called Packingtown where reality begins to hit. Jurgis lands a job sweeping the remains of slaughtered cattle through trap doors making two dollars a hour for twelve hours of work. Ona's cousin Teta finds a job too making two dollars a day putting labels on cans so now they have two incomes in the border room they lived in. This was not merely enough for a family of six so when they saw an ad for a four-room house for fifteen hundred (three hundred down payment) they jumped on it. They worked and saved until they could make the down payment and made it happen! They had achieved the American Dream. They had a family with a house and jobs, what more could they ask for?
Trouble. The house didn't look like it did in the ad and there was work needed to be done. There were hidden unfair clauses in the house deed, that the agent was sure to leave out. They had jobs with horrible working conditions/hours, and had to keep up with house payments every month now. Plus bills, repair work, food, and clothing for everybody since a cold Chicago winter was coming. Then behind all of this, they wearn't citizens. So nobody in this capatalist country cared for them. They didn't know laws or so much about rights so people stepped over them sometimes. They got tooken advantage of by boss's and businessmen because everybody is chasing there own dollars to pay what they owe. After months of with this burden on there shoulders daily, they began to feel as if it was just them out there. Working hard hours everyday just to make a little change to put towards the monthly dues. How would they make it pass to the next house payment. With such a long way to go, so much could go wrong in so little time.

And it did. Jurgis and his family had the most heart wrenching experience melting in this pot to where noone noticed them. At the begginning, it was the best thing that had happened to their Lithunian lives. But slowly, society made them feel like they are seen to the country; aliens. By the end of their odyssey, Jurgis had been to jail twice and was by himself with his wife and other family members dead from struggle. Maybe his life would have been different if he wouldn't have left home.

Monday, October 3, 2011

mbworks of literature in history. It's advanced style of writing has created much controversy over time since we cannot go and ask Shakespeare himself what he meant. All we can do is analyze the story and get a general idea of why things happened in the novel. In the natural world, things happen because they just happen. There is no influence on a natural diaster, murder, or car crash. It just happens. In the Macbeth world, the supernatural plays a huge role on the events occuring story. The supernatural is the exact reason why everything in the story happened the way it happened. From the very first scene of the play, we are introduced to the supernatural force that molds this whole story together; The 3 Witches. The 3 witches might possibly have one of the smallest roles in the production, yet it is the most vital. You don't see the witches too much, but everytime that you see them, they have a phrocey that is important with the story later on. They open the first scene with a poem starting with inquiry of when they will meet again. "First Witch: Where the place?. Second Witch: Upon the heath. Third Witch: There to meet with Macbeth." (7) This is only the first thing that they say yet it already influences the direction of storyline. One scene later, sure enough Macbeth runs into the witches with his right hand Banquo. Unaware these are supernatural witches Macbeth starts "Macbeth: Speak if you can. What are you? First Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Second Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Third Witch: All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" (17) Macbeth had been shocked. Macbeth's original title was Thane of Glamis. How was he to get the other two? This changed Macbeth's life and the way he saw it. The first meeting between The Witches and Macbeth was epic. Though it startled and shot fear into Macbeth, it alter'd the natural life and thought process within itself. "Macbeth: Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis. But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not with the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor. Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence or why upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting. Speak, I charge you. (Witches Vanish)." (21) And there Macbeth's mind had been corrupted! He wanted to know so dearly how this prohecy could be true. Quickly enough,the story shifts to meeting with a gentlemen (Ross) who gives news that the previous Thane of Cawdor needs to be executed because of treasonous behavior, and Macbeth will replace him. This then made him a believer of the witches prophecy and he felt it was a good thing. It changed the motives of a man who reported the tales of the prophecy to his partner later on. She like him also liked the looks of things, and wanted to make to make it happen. And with time came the chance. Duncan, king of Scotland, cousin of Thane of Cawdor, was coming over to enjoy dinner for night to discuss with his Glamis his new position of rank. "Lady Macbeth: And when goes hence? Macbeth: Tomorrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth: O, never Shall sun that morrow see! (35)" They were aware of the full potiential of the Witches words, and decided to take advantage. With Duncan dead, Macbeth was king. Just as it had been prophecized. But now that the deed was done, it was not just done and over. People began to think how this could have happened so fast and who could the suspects be. Paranoia began to run high with the Macbeth's due to guilt of course, and it led to unhelpful acts including deaths of many people including his right hand Banquo. And though the prophecy had come true, the supernatural did not take its hand off what was going on. Macbeth was confused and scared with all the heat around him, and eventually got to talk with the supernatural again. It gave him the assurance that he thought he needed to deal with any thing coming up trying to stop him. "Second Appartition: Be bloody, bold and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth (125)." With this said, Macbeth could figure that he would be fine. Anything to cross his path would have to be women born. There were three apparition's during his talk with the witches, and the first one warned him to beware of Macduff. Well that thought was whiped away with the news of the second apparition. There would be nothing to fear if it had be born of a women. But as the infamous Marilyn Monroe once said, "everything happens for a reason." Macbeth found out Macduff had been "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb before battle which fit the exception to the second apparition. This led to him losing the final battle, being beheaded in the process. The supernatural played a huge role in Shakespeare's epic "Macbeth". From the very begginning to the very end, the things that the witches said had an huge impact on what happened next in the story. Without the supernatural influence of the witches prophecy, all characters deceased in the play would have lived; including Macbeth.

Macbeth is one of the most famous works of literature in history. It's advanced style of writing has  created much controversy over time since we cannot go and ask Shakespeare himself what he meant. All we can do is analyze the story and get a general idea of why things happened in the novel. In the natural world, things happen because they just happen. There is no influence on a natural diaster, murder, or car crash. It just happens. In the Macbeth world, the supernatural plays a huge role on the events occuring story. The supernatural is the exact reason why everything in the story happened the way it happened.

From the very first scene of the play, we are introduced to the supernatural force that molds this whole story together; The 3 Witches. The 3 witches might possibly have one of the smallest roles in the production, yet it is the most vital. You don't see the witches too much, but everytime that you see them, they have a phrocey that is important  with the story later on. They open the first scene with a poem starting with inquiry of when they will meet again. "First Witch: Where the place?. Second Witch: Upon the heath. Third Witch: There to meet with Macbeth." (7) This is only the first thing that they say yet it already influences the direction of storyline. One scene later, sure enough Macbeth runs into the witches with his right hand Banquo. Unaware these are supernatural witches Macbeth starts "Macbeth: Speak if you can. What are you? First Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Second Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Third Witch: All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!" (17) Macbeth had been shocked. Macbeth's original title was Thane of Glamis. How was he to get the other two? This changed Macbeth's life and the way he saw it.

The first meeting between The Witches and Macbeth was epic. Though it startled and shot fear into Macbeth, it alter'd the natural life and thought process within itself. "Macbeth: Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. By Sinel's death I know I am Thane of Glamis. But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not with the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor. Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence or why upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting. Speak, I charge you. (Witches Vanish)." (21) And there Macbeth's mind had been corrupted! He wanted to know so dearly how this prohecy could be true. Quickly enough,the story shifts to meeting with a gentlemen (Ross) who gives news that the previous Thane of Cawdor needs to be executed because of treasonous behavior, and Macbeth will replace him. This then made him a believer of the witches prophecy and he felt it was a good thing. It changed the motives of a man who reported the tales of the prophecy to his partner later on. She like him also liked the looks of things, and wanted to make to make it happen. And with time came the chance. Duncan, king of Scotland, cousin of Thane of Cawdor, was coming over to enjoy dinner for night to discuss with his Glamis his new position of rank. "Lady Macbeth: And when goes hence? Macbeth: Tomorrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth: O, never Shall sun that morrow see! (35)" They were aware of the full potiential of the Witches words, and decided to take advantage.

With Duncan dead, Macbeth was king. Just as it had been prophecized. But now that the deed was done, it was not just done and over. People began to think how this could have happened so fast and who could the suspects be. Paranoia began to run high with the Macbeth's due to guilt of course, and it led to unhelpful acts including deaths of many people including his right hand Banquo. And though the prophecy had come true, the supernatural did not take its hand off what was going on. Macbeth was confused and scared with all the heat around him, and eventually got to talk with the supernatural again. It gave him the assurance that he thought he needed to deal with any thing coming up trying to stop him.
"Second Appartition: Be bloody, bold and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth (125)." With this said, Macbeth could figure that he would be fine. Anything to cross his path would have to be women born. There were three apparition's during his talk with the witches, and the first one warned him to beware of Macduff. Well that thought was whiped away with the news of the second apparition. There would be nothing to fear if it had be born of a women. But as the infamous Marilyn Monroe once said, "everything happens for a reason." Macbeth found out Macduff had been "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb before battle which fit the exception to the second apparition. This led to him losing the final battle, being beheaded in the process.

The supernatural played a huge role in Shakespeare's epic "Macbeth". From the very begginning to the very end, the things that the witches said had an huge impact on what happened next in the story. Without the supernatural influence of the witches prophecy, all characters deceased in the play would have lived; including Macbeth.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

On January 3rd of the 94th year in the 19th century, an intelligent young boy later named Niquis Garland was born. He was a decendant of lawyers and doctors from his mother's side of the tree. There isn't too much educational background on ...my father's side, but my dad is pretty smart even though he never finished college. I also have an older brother who was a diligent student throughout most of the early part of my childhood. These are things I think contributed to me having a good start in my educational career.

My dad started reading to me before I was two and by the time I was around two and a half I was able to read. He had a big stack of Seama Street books that he used to read to me every night before I went to sleep. I always will remember that my favorite of all of these was a volume called "The Case of the Missing Rubber Ducky". I used to want him to read that one to me all the time. He read it to me so many times that he eventually made me start to read it by myself without him in the room. I don't really remember too much about the books because it was at such a very young age, but I do remember that Ernie was the main character of my favorite and most of the books. Also of course the famous Big Bird and the Cookie Monster in other volumes. I was enrolled in Mount Calvery Christian school and skipped to kindergarden at three, graduating when I was four. I was good with reading and writing for my young age.

During elementury nobody read to me anymore except my teachers at school. I began to become more independant with my education. I didn't need my parents help to read to me or help me with homework. We read in our textbooks in class and sometimes I would have books from the school library. My favorite books to read were the "Magic Tree House" books by Mary Pope Osborne. They were fiction of course, but they were so very interesting to my young mind. I used to follow Jack and Annie on their exciting adventures through different regions and era's of Earth. As I look back on it now, I realize that those books taught me geography and history that I could add to my common knowledge to make me smarter. Those were child books though. When I got into the fourth grade, I read my first "big kid book" called "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor and loved it. It is still to this day one of the most interesting book I ever read. In the 5th grade I read the sequeal "Let The Circle Be Unbroken" which wasn't a slack off from the original.

Reading those books set the foundation from that point on that there was no more reading books like Magic Tree House which contained around 100 pages with child friendly sized words. In middle school I picked up the love for the Harry Potter series that I got from my brother. Even though I was very late ( he was on the 4th book before I got interested) I was hooked. This was time I loved to read the most. Nobody told me to do it or pushed me to go get some reading time in. I just did it because I was so fascinated and anxious to know what was going to happen next. Due to this, I sped through all of the books so quickly that I was awaiting the 6th book's release as my brother was for a good period of time. This was the last part of my life where I was heavyly endulged in reading books. When I got to high school, it kind of fell off a tad bit. I didn't read so much on my own as I used too. I didn't see to many books that just caught my eye/interest and this is what kind of turned me off to books. I wasn't so much turned off, but there was a lost of interest.

This is about to change though. I am going to get back into books because it gives you free feeling. If your fully endulged in reading, it takes you away from everything that is going on in this world, and takes you to a different world where your characters are. You follow these character on there daily adventures like a tour and it feels like you blackout. Your mind is only on the events occuring in the book which is a thing only an artist has the power too do.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

There are many great works of literture that have been sold across this country. I haven't read any where close to all of them, but I read quite a few that has affected me mentally in a way that I didn't know was possible from writing. From all the many great books that I read, one that i was most intrigued by was a book called "Native Son" by Richard Wright. It actually started as just an over the summer reading assignment for my upcoming English class of the 11th grade (My old school). But as I began to read the book, from the very begginning I no longer saw it as an assignment. It was that interesting .

The novel is about a young black male growing up in the rough, segregated town of Chicago. It takes place in the 1930's, so this was a time where there hadn't been any effort to improve/change the way of society. The main character's name is Thomas Bigger of the Bigger family of four. It is a single-parent home headed by a mother who has a younger son and daughter. This novel is so interesting to me because it is about a 19 year old man trying to find himself in a time of lost hope for most. The author writes in a style that truely reflects who Bigger is and how he thinks. Sometimes I felt as if I was lost in Bigger's thoughts while reading. Bigger has a gang of four that he used to endulge in crime around the town with, but his mother who knew this found him a job to be a chauffer for the rich white Dalton family of three.

Thomas refused at first but then was of course convinced by his mother because she wanted him to bring in some money to help the struggling family.Mr. Dalton, the head of the family who gave him the job welcomed him in, and wanted to make Bigger feel as comfortable as possible. Which was a close to an impossible task seeing that Bigger was black and he was white in the 30's.
Mr. Dalton gave him his first job to drive his daughter to night school and Bigger hoped on the task. This changed Bigger's life forever. She had him make a detour to go see some friends and by the end of the night he ended up killing her on accident, which lead to a life of lying and on the hide.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Witchcraft! Is real or is it fake? Well back in the times of Arthur Miller's Novel "The Crucible", they thought it did and it drove a town nuts. But this is how any society will react to knowledge of engaging in evil acts. The witchcraft theory led to mass histeria around the town which led to the Salem Witch Trials. Reverand Perris's daughter had been caught up in a situation saying she performed witchcraft on a townswomen. A big crowd came to question Perris and his daughter. The witchcraft theory around town is in relation with The Illuminati now-a-days. The same way society went into Mass Histeria (a condition in which a large group of people exhibit the same state of violent mental agitation), The Illuminati has had a similar effect to society in present day. Being Reverand of the town, which heads the church, you had to have a clean record. People had already been on Perris' case due to prior problems which would have people on edge for anything iffy on his name. "Parris, studies here, then nods, half convinced:Abigail, I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-necked people to me, and now, just now when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, you compromise my very character. I have given you a home, child. I have put cloths upon your back—now give me an upright answer. Your name in the town— it is entirely white, is it not?" (103). Her wrong doings led to the town breathing down his and her neck. This wasn't the first time her name was brought up in dark so the mass histeria was begginning to build and quickly. With something so wrong in the town people's eyes, they wearn't to willing to be open to the fact that it might not be something dealing with witch craft. In modern day, something that may be as equal to witchcraft back then is the Illuminati claims. This situation is of similar people being involved in witchcraft scandels during this time. A lot of people of power and fame in our society today has been accused of being apart of this devil worshipping "secret society". People in the industry including Jay Z, Beyonce, Jamie Foxx, P.Diddy, Lil Wayne, 2 Pac, Dr. Dre and many many more have been pointed out to have been involved. This secret society has been said to have sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. They illegely have secret handshakes, meetings and gay relations. This, like Witchcraft left/leaves people who are aware in mass histeria. People do not know who to trust or work with in the industry. Its left fans in the balance of not being sure if they could trust their favorite entertainers. Witchcraft and the Illuminati are both ideas/concepts that caused some sort of mass histeria in society. The different in effects is the time period. Back in the day, towns had more reign to be able to punish people if they wanted to. And people believed more in unrealistic things easier then people of today. The idea of witchcraft would not be so credible to many people of todays age. But just like witchcraft back then, if there evidence to prove that there may be hope for the evil, it gains credibility. People of the town believe that they had some evidence of the witchcraft which is what caused the mass histeria because you cannot knock evidence. A person of power (Perris, Abigail) is involved with evil. This is the same with the illuminati. There have been videos and pictures of evidence of illuminati existance and people of power being involved. Pictures of special handshakes, hugs, conversations and more. Also certain events/ and inconviences were put on the illumaniti being in existance. Just as how once witchcraft was being brought out people could blame anything bad on the super natural. In conclusion the mass hysteria that occurred in the Salem Witch Trials applies towards the existance of the Illumaniti in present day. Knowledge of evil drove people in society nuts and wanting to punish people involved in both instances. Both left the society in paranoia of knowing who and who not to trust and if the person in power is genuine.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is it to be American

What does it mean to be American? Over history in this country we have struggled to find this identity. In the founding years of what made this country to be who it is today, when immigrants were coming from all over (by force or will), ambiguity ran high in distinguishing who got to title them-selves as Americans. People from different countries felt sometimes that they live in America so they should be able to be receiving the label. But this is definitely not the case. There are many cases in which you can be called an American.
First off, an American is a person born in America. To have any chance of being American you have to be born here, but it gets tricky. Canada and South America are included in what we call North America. So for short, they could call themselves Americans if they want. This is usually not the case though. The United States and its citizens are usually known as the Americans around the globe. This is probably because of our popularity (good or bad) and power that we have globally.
This is around America, but in America its gets tricky also. Because of the diversity that fills the melting pot itself, we are not all considered just American even if you were born here. We are grouped into different categories and groups. People are Latin-Americans, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans and so on and so forth. But that’s just being political in the big picture. Really people are just classified as their prefix. People see others as just Black, Asian, White, or Latino. We are not just all seen as plain Americans. That’s not the way society or this country works because of the history of it. We were separated in the past, and will remain for ages.
The government and people of power have the citizens of this country trained to think a certain way. And it is considered the right way with no discrepancy. The labels that groups receive are justifiable. I don’t have a problem with it because it makes sense. But what if one was to think outside the box or people were brought up to think different. Why isn’t anybody who is born here (and their parents) just considered an American? It’s just the way things are. Around the world your American, but in your own home your ethnic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Song of The Sky Loom

Oh our Mother the Earth, oh our Father the sky,
Your children are we, and with tired backs
We bring you the gifts that you love.
Then weave for us a garment of brightness;
May the warp be the white light of morning,
May the weft be the red light of evening,
May the border be the standing rainbow.
Thus weave for us a garment of brightness
That we may walk fittinggly where birds sing,
That we may walk fittingly where grass us green,
Oh our Mother the Earth oh our Father the Sky!

I like this poem by Tewa because it is about the nature around us. The author gives power to things that have power in our lives unknowingly. Calling Earth and Sky mother and father because we depend on these things to live in peace. If any of these things mentened like morning, evening, and rain began to falter, we would have problems. Big problems

This poem is loaded with figuerative language. From metaphors to personification. The personification comes in where Tewa says the Earth is our mother, and the sky is our father and we are its children. The author gives human like qualities to something not human. The tone of the poem is very calm and nomadic. The author just make connections/comparisions of things the Earth provides with things that she knows (sewing and knitting).
My favorite area of the poem starts at line three. I start to make connections of things that we could do to make the Earth's Health good enough to continue to take care of us. If we cut down on bad things like fossil fuel usage, global warming would not be a problem and the Earth could continue to bring us fair weather without outragous changes that we have witnessed lately. If we didnt spill things like oil and such in the sea, we would have healthier fish to catch and eat so we could feed our families. The weather would not be on constant rise and dicrease which causes sea levels to rise and glaciers to melt. Which happens to have a domino effect. It effect animals which effects mammals(which includes us). If we continued to bring gifts to the Earth and not destroy its habitats and tree's, our Earth's health would be at a better level. Who knows now how crazy it will get in my lifetime. It's crazy and it's not fair because it's not even my (generation's) fault. But we are the ones who are going to have to deal with it. Hopefully our Mother and Father will hold strong and take care of us.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cival Disobedience

The civil rights movement of the 1960s was the biggest act of civil disobedience that this country has ever seen. This movement joined millions of people together against the government for change. People are ignorant of the civil rights movement and how grand it was, not knowing many important details of it. People think this was movement for blacks and blacks only. That is not true. There was a lot going on in this time. People were fighting for the rights of coloreds. “Coloreds” does not just include the black race. It is for anybody who is not white because we all were not seen as equal to whites. But blacks were very involved and basically the face of the movement so people tend to think that. Also around this time, women were fighting for their rights in society also. This movement included all women, black, white, and whoever standing up to the man. Even though suffrage rights had been granted to women earlier in the century, that was not the only right that made women not as equal to men. Back then, a man and a woman could have the same job, work the same hours and the man would come out with higher pay. Rights for gays, religious movements and others all combined during this time for the civil rights movement. Just certain movements were bigger than others.
For civil disobedience to occur, many components need to be in place in a society. There needs to be a group of people who are in agreement/disappointment that something is wrong or not fair in society. On the other side there needs to be a group of people who back what is not fair in society even if it is a small group. The disappointed group will come to the power and ask for change even if it is slight. If the power does not want to change things, BOOM. Civil disobedience will occur slowly but surely when the disappointed group gets fed up.
This is exactly what occurred across America in the 60s. Except it was on a very large scale. The disappointed group was at a huge number, and society was going crazy. The groups were sprawled out all over the country though and brought together at times for certain events for change. Marches, speeches, boycotts and sit-ins brought people from all over together for a certain cause; civil rights. That was the one goal all groups fighting during this movement had in mind. To eventually be seen as equal to anybody in the country that you stood next to.
During the movement, an author that was even part of the movement made an interesting quote. Martin Luther King, one of the biggest leaders of the movement said “to accept passively, an unjust system is to cooperate with that system thereby, the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor.” (Martin Luther King page 303 from Stride toward freedom) This is an interesting quote that can be interpreted in many ways. I feel this relates to the civil rights movement because it was of course based on what the movement was about. It was one of the main causes that caused the shaky society in the 1960s. Some of the things that the people did (not people who followed King, but others) were just as evil as the white people that made the oppressed angry. This was because some felt evil was being done so they felt the need to strike back. This was a time of striking back and not standing for anything. A time for objection and showing heart for the things you believed was wrong.
King inspired many people across the country to get involved in his acts of civil disobedience. The way he approached the problems in this country got many people who were on the opposite side to jump on board. With his persuasive voice and words, he caused many to see the truth. Things were not fair and right and it went against the constitutional ideas this country was based upon. It went hand and hand with the very things this country fought for independence for.
Some leaders took violent approach to this movement. Martin Luther King was not one of the people who did. One that did was Malcolm X. People don’t realize he wasn’t for violence though and going out attacking whites to get back at them. “..In areas of this country where the government has proven it’s- either inability or unwillingness to protect lives and property of our people, then it’s only fair to expect us to do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves. And in situation like Mississippi, places like Mississippi where the government actually has proven it’s inability to protect us and it has been proven that off-times the police officers and sheriffs themselves are involved in the murder that takes place against our people-then I feel, and I say that anywhere, that our people should start doing what is necessary to protect ourselves.” (Malcolm X, page 305 of “Protect Ourselves”) Was he not right for having this approach? After so much has been done to you and your families, should you continue to sit around and let it happen? The violence being done to coloreds, mainly blacks, was something that could be ignored and let by anymore in his eyes. He felt you cannot continue to treat humans like they are animals that you can abuse and kill when you feel is time. So his reasonably approach was to strike back.
Even though violence was used to try and get things changed for the oppressed, non-violence was the more effective approach to the situation. Martin Luther King got the attention of the whites/government because he attacked them in the legal/right way. Not to say violence went unnoticed. Of course violence drew attention but that just caused law enforcement to come down harder which they had no problem doing. When they attacked Martin’s marches, protest or boycotts they were wrong because they were in their legal rights to do so. Whites just couldn’t stand to see people stand for things that they did not want in their society. King did not get full results when he was alive. It took till after his death for people to realize that things were not right. People started to realize that the way society was being run and handled was unfair. Change began to occur slowly but surely. You could tell that this was because of King’s non-violent approach. He gained a lot of respect for that because he was still an honorable man while fighting for a cause. On the other hand, change did not occur as much when Malcolm was killed. This was because of his approaches, attitude and character. The other side didn’t respect him as much as King. King showed coloreds can be people and not savages like society saw us to be.
This movement, the leaders and the people involved changed society in the United States forever. The way The States is today socially is totally different from how it was being run a couple decades back. And it will not go back to the way it used to be. The people’s act of civil disobedience was for a cause that is now respected across most of the country. Now everybody is seen as equal and given fair opportunities to do something with the life you are given. Now if you come up short, there is no excuse or reason you can pin it too because if you put your mind to it, you have the opportunity to make it to a different situation other than the one you are stuck in. You can make the same money as the person you saw in a suit, male or female, if you work hard towards that goal. You can live in the same neighborhood as the high class guy without hassle if you put in the work for it. This is what the people before us, the people of this movement fought for.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Acedemic autobiography

My academic career began at Mt.Calvery Christian School. Then I transferred to Baldwin Hills Magnet School from kindergarten through the 5th grade. I graduated kindergarten at the young age of four but had to repeat it when I switched to Baldwin Hills. From Baldwin I went to Daniel Webster Middle for all three years. Last I went to Lou Dantzler Charter and now West Adams. It has been a long run of school and several good and bad teachers, but it is not over.                    
Through my long years of schooling, my favorite subject has become English. It’s crazy because throughout the earlier stages of my school life it was the complete opposite. I was a math head and just naturally did well in English. But as I grew and each grade/course passed, Math began to not be as fun to me anymore. Formulas and things of that sort don’t seem to click with me anymore. I don’t really favor any subject because I feel they are all work in which I need to complete so I just do it. But out of all the subjects, I feel there is a part of English that I kind of like; reading and writing.                                                                                                                   
  In the future, I am not sure where my little knack for English and good grades will take me exactly. I know for sure that I will be at a four year university. Most likely Morehouse if I don’t have a change of heart by my senior year. I’m just not sure what I will major or minor in so I’m not sure where life will take me after a couple years in college. Then I also engage in extracurricular activities that I might indulge in after graduation that could take me to who knows where in life. I feel that’s the beauty of education. You always can have education as a backup or first plan if you don’t have extracurricular things going for you.                                                     
  As a student, I just don’t feel that I am the most diligent, but I can figure out things and complete most of my assignments. I feel I do well in school because of the mentality that I have. I don’t like C’s and I barely like B’s so I’m going to do what it takes to get the grade that I want. That’s just the way I have approached class since forever.                                                                                
 My English history began at birth. Of course, since I was born I began to hear and pick up things from my surroundings (I have always been a person who tries to pick things up). I was able to talk by one or two and able to read and write by three. I left pre-school at three and graduated kinder at four. In junior high I was sort of a natural at English even though I had a strong love for math. I had A’s in English throughout middle school and on through high school. I received my first F in English and life last quarter. My grade point average through the 10th grade was a 3.8 or 3.9 depending on the number of classes I took. I always ended up with at least on B on my report card. I could never get a 4.0 for some reason.
My specific goal for this class is to come out with an A. I need to redeem myself for the ugly grade I received last quarter. As a teacher I expect you to get me more on board with rhetorical devices. At my old school, we did not really hit off with those as much. Also I think I need to be better with textual analysis. I don’t think that that is one of my strong points in English. I’m not sure though may be if we get into it I’ll be able to pick it up. Lastly I expect for the class to be made sort of interesting at certain times if possible.